- Keyword Rich Content - To explain, keywords are the terms that your potential customers type into the search engine to find what they are looking for. You should make your article rich in these keywords, you want between 2.5 - 4.0% keyword placement in your article for your particular niche. Not sure what the keywords for your niche are? Use Google's keyword tool. Just type, 'Keyword Tool' into your search engine to find it.
- Up To Date Information - You want to give your article readers the most up to date information on your chosen subject. This means you must do some research, even if you are king of your niche, there are always new developments, be the first to tell your readers what is coming up and you will enhance your reputation, and hopefully, your bank balance.
- Site Relevance - Seems obvious this one but, surprisingly, many articles go, 'off topic', and this leads to confusion, hesitation and usually swift abandonment by your potential readers/customers. Don't start telling people your car has broken down or your auntie is not feeling well. If it is not relevant to the website you are linking back to then don't put it in. Keep that sort of stuff for the social media sites.
- Easy To Read - This is a must and there is an easy way to tell if your finished article is easy to read. First of all, read it out loud. If you stumble and hesitate then you need to do a rewrite. Once you've done that, at least once, get a family member or good friend to read it out loud too, preferably one that is a good reader. Have a copy yourself and mark any points that they stumble or hesitate on. Rewrite again, if necessary.
- Make It Entertaining - If your article is 'Dullsville City' then nobody is going to read the whole thing and they sure ain't going to click on your link for more of the same. You need to inject, ' YOU ', into the article. Write it as though you are telling it to your best mate and you won't go far wrong.
- Offer A Solution - Okay, you know your niche or your product/service. Check on related forums for the most common questions about your niche and answer the most often asked one in your article. This is give and take - you give a solution and hopefully take them to your website/product/service. Providing a solution alongside entertaining information will give you an article that people will not only enjoy reading but will make them feel satisfied at gaining knowledge they may have been desperate to know. This will encourage them to click your links to find out more of what they want.
- Keep It Tight - And no, I don't mean drape it in hosiery. Once you have completed steps 1 - 6 you would do well to put your article aside for at least a day, more if you can resist it. Why would you want to do this instead of getting it out there, quick style. It's simple. As I said before, Your Reputation rests on it. In the heat of the writing you may have inadvertently put something in that either doesn't make sense or that isn't relative to what you want to say. It might sound good at the time you write it but, after a few days, it will be glaringly obvious. Edit anything like that out. It is superfluous.
For more info, hints, tips, advice and ebooks to help you visit my website or join my mailing list. (There's freebies, if you join), not that I'm trying to bribe you or anything...
Good Luck,
David Murphy