Thursday, 29 December 2011

Looking to make money online?

Your bank manager wants to talk to you. Your creditors are at the door. The bills are piling up and your cards are all maxed out. You turn to the internet to try to remedy the situation. Your wiling to put in the effort, willing to do what it takes just to earn some extra dollars. But, and it is a big but... nothing works! You just spend more money that you don't have chasing the next product that promises to stuff dollars into your Paypal account instantly. You have to learn new methods with each one, distracting your efforts to make some sort of money. I mean, there are lots of people making a fortune online, right?

If this sounds like you then it's time for a few home truths. There is no 'next big thing.' All you are doing is making another guru rich. You spend $47 dollars on their product and before you know it your sending them $19.99 per month for the latest, greatest... or, they 'upsell' you something for another $97, $197 or even $297 dollars. Ouch! Now I'm not saying that they are all wrong or that they are all ripping you off. I know some of them and they are truly trying to help people, but, and this one's as big as the last one, trying to find the right people to help you is hard work. You could go through a dozen before you find someone genuine, and how much is that going to cost you?

So I'll go back to the original question. Are you looking to make money online? Of course you are or you'd have stopped reading this blog by now and you'd be surfing over to YouTube or something, no doubt with some furry appendage between your legs. (Tail people, I'm talking tail here...geez.)

If you have the time and the stamina then yes, you can earn some decent money on the internet. It will be hard work. You can become an affiliate and promote the gurus that you're always buying from. (Hint : Go To to do this. Or at least, you can start there. They are one of the best in the field of affiliate marketing.) This entails you developing traffic (punters, basically) to send to your chosen affiliate link/s. (Hint : Pick only one or two things to promote to begin with. You want to laser target your own time to get the best results and promoting multiples of links will be a drain on both you and your cash.)

Forums, article directories, paid for adverts... These are some of the ways to generate the traffic you will then send to your affiliate links. With luck some people will actually purchase the product and you will get your affiliate commission. Quids in, yeah... It does take a lot of work unless you happen to know a lot of people on the internet, or you have an email list the length of Route 66!

You can fill in surveys until your fingers are raw but you ain't gonna make a lot of money, no matter what they tell you. You can try selling on ebay or amazon but then you need stock and then there's all the hassle of posting and packaging. You could build an awesome website and promote affiliate links that way. Again, it's a lot of work for not much reward.

Let's face it. If you are going to do all that work generating leads does it not make sense to send them somewhere that is going to put money into your account? Not just some affiliate commission or some pyramid scheme that will collapse at the worst possible moment, i.e. just when you are going to get paid. Not something that will barely cover the cost of all those tools you need to buy to make it happen. And if you do build your own site then you need to pay for hosting and if you don't sell anything then you are once again running at a loss.

No. It's time for something different. If you are prepared to put in the effort to generate leads then you should be fairly compensated for your efforts, yes? Yes. So what if I told you there was a way to put $6.99 into your own account for every lead that purchases what you are selling. No fees, no webhosting, no monthly payments. Short and sweet. Nice.

If you are interested in finding out more then click this link :
No tricks, no gimmicks. Just money into your account. Go see for yourself...